7 comments on “Gone but NEVER EVER forgotten

  1. That’s wonderful, Karen. I miss Jon every single day and there’ll be a JC-shaped hole in my heart forever. That and the untimely death of my daughter’s father will resonate with me forever. Their lives and their deaths changed me irrevocably. I’m so deeply sorry for your new loss… It’s a been a hard few years and whilst lilfe can be so cruel sometimes and seeminly impossible to understand, we can’t stop seeing just how extraordinarily beautiful it is too. Much love to you xxx


    • Cait, it is amazing to me how people deal with situations and pick up and live life to the fullest.
      You have had even more to deal with and still every pic I see of you, you are smiling. A true survivor. Much love right back xx


  2. I didnt know that it was possible to scream so loud for so long. Not a mark on her lovely lovely face. I hope that none of you ever have to switch off that machine and watch the love of your entire world fade away. Xxx


    • I am very close friends with Becks Mom. I have ben for 20 plus years. I have known Beck since she was tiny, watched her grow up. I have so many memories and it is so hard for me to have to write this about such a young and vibrant life, but I wanted people to wake up and smell the fucking coffee. People are rude, ignorant and they have no idea what they have.
      We all need a wake up call sometimes, but this is a very, very bitter pill to swallow. I hope you are OK. I am so sorry you had to lose this beautiful friend.


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