3 comments on “Blue By Name, Not Blue By Nature.

  1. I guess Blue is no longer with Tripp. Wonder what happened with that. Also I don’t think she talks to the other ex wives anymore from the show. Sharise was following her on IG but is no longer. Would love to have an update from all the Ex Wives from Rock. Hope Blue is doing ok, I always admired her fitness but she seems like she kinda struggles. Why is she so insecure and hateful toward Bobbie? I love her even though I never liked how she treated Bobbie.


  2. I think Blue is awesome, as with the rest of the ladies. I sure understand the OCD & laundry thing. It’s a good thing to have everything done & put away where it belongs, then it’s easy to find. What’s wrong with that…lol? I’m at so glad to hear all is well with that ‘incident’. it’s always someone else putting their two bits in & trying to cause poop. I knew you weren’t what was portrayed. You’re still True Blue & a real inspiration to other women in their 40’s to still be active, sexy & driven. Good luck to the partnership with Sharise as she knows her stuff. I think it’ll be a great clothing line addition. Love the ladies & already miss all the hub bub with comments, etc. Hurry back we love you all! ❤


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